The decision to sell your home is a big one, and the selling method you select can make a big difference in the amount of money you could walk away with. Given the statistics, you are wise to bypass the FSBO or for sale by owner route. This could possibly be why you think you should list your house with a Realtor. While the real estate agent commissions you’ll pay aren’t exactly exciting, hiring an expert to handle the paperwork, appointments, and meeting deadlines on your behalf is an attractive benefit.
However, professional home buyers that buy directly from sellers offer another solution that may save you time and money, depending on your circumstances, and potentially leave more of your hard-earned profits in your hands at closing. Read on to explore whether you should list your house or sell it directly in Dallas.
Your finances may determine whether you should list your house or sell it directly in Dallas. As the old saying goes, you have to spend money to make money, and listing a property requires an outlay of cash upfront; otherwise, you will pay for the things you don’t prep or repair at the closing table in negotiations. In addition, buyers in this new market are often requesting outrageous credits at closing to essentially reduce the asking price for taking on the work, in addition to the commissions, fees, and expenses that all come out of your proceeds at closing, further depleting your profits.
By first consulting a local professional home buyer about whether you should list your house or sell it directly in Dallas, you can make an informed decision. Then, when you work with a professional home buyer from North Texas Cash For Homes, you’ll have an outline of the expenses and profit you could make by listing with an agent vs. our offer for your home as-is and all of the details used in our calculations. You won’t pay any commissions or closing costs, and there are never any hidden fees when you sell directly to North Texas Cash For Homes. After discussing your circumstances and taking a look at your property, if listing with an agent is truly the best option for your situation, we will tell you so.
Homes that sell within the first week are likely to get their asking price but as the weeks add up, that statistic falls drastically, and agents usually respond by dropping your price. Not all properties are equal, and listing with a real estate agent when your home isn’t in ready-to-move-in condition can cost you more than you realize. If you haven’t invested the time, energy, and finances required to bring the home up to its absolute best, then typically buyers will pass it by and the days/weeks are likely to add up fast as the listing lingers.
If you find yourself in this position, talk to a professional home buyer about whether you should list your house or sell it directly to a local home buyer in Dallas. We will lay down the facts so you can decide whether working with us will be a good fit for you or not. We don’t engage in high-pressure sales tactics, tense negotiations, or anything in that realm; we offer you unbiased facts so you can make an informed decision.
Suppose time is of the essence and you are debating whether you should list your house or sell it directly to a local home buyer in Dallas. In that case, you should understand that your agent can make no guarantee on the closing date or that the property will sell, or that it will even sell at the price you’re needing, leaving you carrying the costs to hold and maintain the property while you sit on the market and wait. By working with a professional home buyer like those at North Texas Cash For Homes, you’ll have a cash buyer and a guaranteed closing date that could be in as fast as seven days if needed, or talk to us about making special arrangements if you need more time; at North Texas Cash For Homes, our process is fast but we can be as flexible as you need.
If the thought of showings or having photographs of the interior of your home blasted worldwide across the internet makes you shudder, and you are wondering if you should list your house or sell it directly to a local home buyer, consider talking to a local professional home buyer in Dallas. Selling a house to an experienced home buyer is not only quick, but it’s convenient. With no showings, cleaning, prep, or repairs looming over your head, let the pros at North Texas Cash For Homes take all of the work, expenses, and legal risks onto our shoulders and off of yours.
Do you still have questions? Talk to one of the professionals at North Texas Cash For Homes with no strings attached; we take the time to listen and understand the qualities that make your property unique. If you have any unique hurdles to overcome, let us help you find the solution at North Texas Cash For Homes, we’re more than happy to address any concerns you have about the process. Call North Texas Cash For Homes at 214-761-3150.